Know someone great?
Vouch from Amy
“Jackie is a creative powerhouse, blending deep media expertise with a knack for storytelling that hits home. Cool, capable, and visionary, Jackie is a game-changer in the creative world. ”
Creative Director
Make them shine!
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Review the job listing
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Vouch for someone talented
Vouch for someone matching the job description. And don't hesitate, being vouched for is the biggest compliment you can get!
step three
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If the person you vouched for gets the job, you'll receive a reward for your help.
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Inherit Carbon Solutions
VP Forretningsutvikling
+ 4
€3,000 Reward
No expiration date
Leder for M&A og forretningsutvikling
+ 6
kr 45,000 Reward
No expiration date
Senior Software Engineer
+ 6
kr 25,000 Reward
No expiration date
Electronics Engineer
Stavanger | Oslo
+ 3
kr 10,000 Reward
No expiration date
Embedded Software Developer
Oslo | Stavanger
+ 5
kr 10,000 Reward
No expiration date
Delivery Lead
Oslo | Stavanger
+ 4
kr 15,000 Reward
No expiration date
What people ask
Can anyone refer anyone?
I am a professional recruiter - can I use Vouch?
Can I vouch anonymously?
What happens if more people vouch for the same person?